Monday, July 30, 2012

Hot Dry Weather - Water your newly planted/transplanted trees!

All plants need water to live. Generally, newly transplanted stock needs even more water. In heavy soils, water new trees thoroughly once a week. In light or highly porous soils, water more often. Use judgment regarding watering. If conditions are hot, dry, or windy, the trees will transpire much more, and will need more water. If there is substantial rainfall and/or the weather is cool, watering should be reduced accordingly until conditions are dryer. Caution: One of the most common causes of plant death is over-watering. You can literally “kill ’em with kindness.” So, be sensitive to weather conditions and water accordingly. Please call us if you are unsure 215-766-8733. Watering Guidelines for newly planted trees & Method of Watering • Lay the hose at the base of the trunk and trickle water on the plant. We suggest the following system: Adjust hose volume so that it fills an 8-ounce glass every minute. Put hose at base of tree for 24 hours. If water runs off away from the root ball, reduce the flow. (A general rule of thum is 3.75 gal. per hour, or 90 gals. Per 24-hour period. As a guideline, in hot, dry weather you want to water twice a week at this rate… in wet, cool weather, less to none.) • If leaves droop or appear to be drying, water the leaves with a fine spray. Never spray the leaves during the middle of the day when the sun is the strongest. Only water the leaves in the early morning, late afternoon, and evening. Leaf spraying should be done especially if it is hot, dry, or windy. This process will reduce transpiration of moisture and will help your new trees significantly. Duration of Watering • Continue to water flowering shrubs and shade trees until they are bare in the fall. • Continue to water evergreens even more, right up to Christmas or until the ground is solidly frozen Note: You need to water for a minimum period of 2 years, longer than 2 years is even better. Infrequent deep watering is better than frequent shallow watering.

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